May 27, 2010

Popcorn Funnels

One of our family traditions is Friday Movie Night. Every Friday, the kids get to sleep out in the family room in their sleeping bags, watch Disney movies until way past their normal bedtime, and eat treats. They look forward to it all week!
So I thought this would be a fun and simple idea to start implementing on the Friday's that our treat is popcorn. (So much more fun than just tossing the popcorn in a big bowl for everyone to share.)
To make the funnel, start by flipping your paper over, then grab one corner and pull it toward the center of the paper. Then roll the whole thing away from you (or lift it up and kind of twist it until it makes a funnel shape like this). Tape the edge down so it keeps it's shape.
Then fill it with popcorn!

These are so simple to make and they could be used for a number of occasions (movie nights, play dates, birthday parties, or other holidays).

Do you have any fun family traditions???
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  1. This picture is really cute. I like the idea too!

  2. We have Friday night movie nights, has been a tradition for many years now. I LOVE this idea!!

