Mar 27, 2013

About Blogging

At one time an avid hobby.
Now, I guess you could say, more of a favorite past time. 
Other things (husband, children, church responsibilities), have taken priority they should.  
But I want you to know (any of you still out there who occasionally click on over here to read a post or two), that I'm still here.  
I still have blog posts running through my mind as I'm loading dirty dishes into the dishwasher or driving kiddos to their various activities.
I still read blogs.
I still add to my pinterest boards.
I document life on instagram.
I just don't have as much time lately to do projects and blog about them.
We're still continuing to fix up our home here and there
and sometimes we concoct crafty little projects.  They're just not being shared as often. 
But our happy little life still beats on.
I hope you'll still pop by on  rare occasions when I do post projects and stuff.  Because I really do appreciate your comments and your readership. 

Speaking of projects and stuff...
I've been working on a room redo in my sons room that I'm hoping to share with you next week.  (Fingers crossed!)  Super excited to finally have it finished soon.

Happy Easter Friends!


  1. I popped over from a pin on pinterest (cleaning blinds), and have enjoyed many of your posts, especially the basement makeover :) What was super freaky, though, is seeing my daughter in an ad on your sidebar....those are my daughter's senior pictures, lol! (we had signed a model release, so the pictures were obviously sold and Pear Tree is using them) So weird....anyway, I'll look forward to future visits here, and not just to see my girl's pretty face. :)

  2. I'm going through the same thing! Kids are getting older, I'm busy with a baby, church responsibilities, homeschooling, daily routines, etc.... blogging has taken a back seat, but I'm totally willing to make the 1 (or two?) readers I still have.

    I'm glad I found yours. I love the way you write!
