Oct 3, 2016

Rambler on an Acre

A I mentioned in my previous post, our new home is on an acre and a quarter.  While I'm excited to share with you our actual house, I still need to take some "in progress" pictures of some of the improvements we've made so far.  After I do that I will share some side by side before and afters of the rooms we've been able to tackle in the last three months.  Until then... here are some snippets of our back yard, what drew us to move in the first place.

We feel so blessed to live in a home with a bit of space that feels country, but in reality is only a block into county property.  Favorite stores are only a five minute drive away, we have three close-ish neighbor's (they all have at least an acre or two also, so we aren't super close), and meanwhile, we get to have space for our six rabbits, seventeen chicks, rooster, and two dogs.  If my husband and youngest daughter's dreams come true, we'll also have a horse grazing around here in a couple of years.

Lots of room for kiddos to run and play. Mowing this huge lawn has become a favorite chore for our two oldest who love "driving" our new tractor mower... At least they love it for now.

Most days, I still can't believe we get to call this place home.  Someone pinch me please.

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