May 26, 2010

Number Jars

I love monograms on things and I also love the simplicity of numbering things too! A few weeks ago I added a 1,2,3 to these jars. I didn't/don't have a fancy cricut or other such machine to make any vinyl. So instead I enlarged some numbers on microsoft word, printed them out, mod podged the letters onto my jars, and WALAA!
This time around I decided to monogram another jar I had with the letter H (for my last name). I enlarged the letter H on microsoft word and used a font size of 200 in Times New Roman.
Supplies used are pictured below (minus the scissors I used to cut out the H).

After the H was cut out, I decided where I wanted to place it on the jar. Then I painted mod podge onto that area.

The next step was to place the H onto the mod podge and then paint over the letter H with more mod podge and wait about 30 minutes for it to dry.

You can fill jars with just about anything... grains to cook with, loose change, little soaps...
I chose to use mine for cookies!

Simple, easy, Cheap!

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