Aug 26, 2010

Back to School Preparation

I know a lot of schools are already in session, but my two school age children don't start until next week.
They are so excited and I'm excited for them.
After a long nine months of school I'm so ready for them to be home so we can relax and not be on any sort of strict schedule.
But after a nice three month long non-scheduled, lazy, fun-filled summer, I'm anxious to get back to a more scheduled life.

To help me stay organized and on top of everyone's schedules, I bought a binder at Walmart and designated it specifically for each child's school and other after school activities.

In my binder I have a separate folder for each child {where I can keep track of permission slips and other important papers}, a folder for the school calendar, and folders for after school activities like gymnastics.  I also left a lot of tabs blank as more activities and reminders for other topics might be needed.
With everything all in one place, it will be a lot easier to not misplace anything.
This would also be a great place to store emergency numbers if someone comes over to babysit my kids, etc.

Binders are great to buy now while they are still so CHEAP!

Another thing I did to prepare for back to school was to buy snack foods for my children's lunches.  Some are prepackaged and some are not.  The snacks that are not prepackaged, I package myself in individual ziplock bags.

I found a basket from another room that wasn't getting very much use, put all the packaged snacks in it, and stored it on a shelf in the pantry.
For me, this makes preparing cold lunches for my children or even for my husband so much easier.
Now all I have to do is grab a couple of these items along with a sandwich and a piece of fruit, toss them in their lunch bags and I'm set.

{confession: I really HATE making lunches.  I don't know why.  So the more preparation I can do ahead of time, the easier it is for me when it comes to actually making the lunches.}

While we're still on the subject of school lunches, HERE is a great site that has cute lunch box notes.
I can still remember way back when, when my mom would stick little notes in my lunch and it just made my day to know she was thinking of me.
I want my kids to know I'm thinking of them too while they're away at school.

And last, but not least, if your kids are anything like mine, they come home "starving"!
I found some wonderful after school snack ideas on

{Click on the name of the snack and it will link you to each recipe.}




  1. Yay!!! I am excited for back-to-school too..maybe than I'll get all my unpacking done and can start on the many projects on my now endless "to do" list. :) Btw, I made the Trix on a stick for my kiddos and their two buddies that were over the other day - they were a HIT! Remie didn't hate them either! ha ha ;) Love the idea of prepackaging lunch snacks for easy fixes...tonight both my kiddos have back-to-school haircuts. I'm hoping to convince Miss Mae to hack a few inches off of her dead ends. :) Have a great weekend, neighbor!!

  2. I found your link off of Thrifty Decor Chick today and I just wanted to let you know that now I'm your newest follower! You have some great ideas - looking forward to reading more of your posts! :) Have a great day!
