Jun 27, 2011

Simple Moments

I usually put my three kiddos to bed at a decent hour {even in the summer} because no matter what, they are always early risers.  After they're in bed, they can read as long as they want until they fall asleep.

The other night I went in to check on the two girls in their room and this is what I found.  These two are such silly sisters!  I'm not sure how much reading was going on, but at least they were having fun!


  1. This is adorable! It's things like this that they will look back and laugh on when they have children of their own. :) I have two girls close in age and am re-doing their room soon. Your picture gives me a bit of inspiration. Thanks for sharing!

  2. That is so sweet! Little girls are so fun. =)

  3. They are just darling! My kids share a room too, and they have the best times together. What sweet memories your girls will have:).


    PS: I really like your new header!

  4. I just so happened to have stumbled across your blog through Pinterest and I would like you to know that although I am only 18, and am about to be crammed into a dorm room, I love your home decor projects so much and I love how you truly do keep things simple. I also want you to know that I admire your home based on God and the truth (from what I read :P) I hope to one day raise my future children as you are raising yours.
    I also hope this isn't creepy of me to say, haha. Your blog is just very inspiring.
    Thank you!

  5. I found you through Pinterest, too, and this post brought a tear to my eye. It reminded me of fun times with my sisters growing up, and I love seeing a picture of Jesus in a place of honor in your girls' room! How very sweet.
