Nov 22, 2011

A Month of Gratitude - Day 21 & 22

Day 21:  Oh boy, yesterday was not one of my better days.  {Hence, no gratitude post yesterday.}  I woke up with the WORST muscle spasm in my back.  Oy!  Do I have a lot more sympathy now for people with back problems.  It took everything I had just to sit in my car to take my kiddos to school in the morning.  I will not lie, I cried. 
BUT, what I am grateful for yesterday, was that I had a nice husband who called and got me an appointment with the chiropractor {he drove me there too, btw}.  I'm grateful for that chiropractor who worked his magic to try and mend my back.   I'm grateful for over the counter pain meds, and I'm grateful for fast food.  We rarely ever eat out, but it was so helpful last night to just send my husband out for food and in a few minutes, he came back with a hot, ready, {totally not nutritious} meal.

Day 22:  Today I am grateful that my back is feeling about 25% better and  I'm grateful for this yummy soft sugar cookie recipe that I found on pinterest.  I am currently groaning my way {because my back is still causing so much pain} through baking 26 unfrosted sugar cookies for my little boys first grade class.  And then I'm going to do my darnedest to go and help out in his class for an hour this afternoon as they do a little Thanksgiving celebration.  Oh boy.  Wish me luck!  {My husband is trying to convince me to back out of helping out today, but I just hate backing out of something at the last minute!}


Julia said...

Robin...I am so sorry about your back! That is just the worst kind of pain...I had a spasm while pregnant once and the heat pad was all that helped. I will pray it gets better. What an awesome Mom you are to do all of that! Good luck with everything today!

Have a lovely Thanksgiving!


Kelly said...

I say drop off the cookies and STAY home!! YOu don't wanna ruin your Thanksgiving or your long weekend off with your Hubby not feeling well! You've got a Christmas tree to decorate this weekend! :)

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