Nov 3, 2011

A Month of Gratitude - Day 4

Recording what I'm grateful for this month has been an amazing exercise for the soul. 
As I go about each day, I've been realizing that I could easily post way more than one thing a day.
Life is good.  Maybe better than I thought.
But for time's sake, I'll keep posting just one thing per day.

So for today...I'm grateful for my town.
{A few months ago, I framed a map of our town and hung it in our living room seen in the picture above.}

Why I'm grateful for my town:
It's small.
It's family oriented.
The people are kind.
The schools are great.
Every time I drive to the grocery store, I get to pass by horses. {Who doesn't love looking at horses?}
While it is small it is still neck and neck to other bigger towns so... only a short 10-15 minute drive and I'm at the mall or just about any other fun shopping store.

I love our town.
It's the perfect place for my husband and I to raise our three children.

What are you grateful for today?


Letting Fear Go said...

Hi Robin, I really enjoy your beautiful blog, and I think your thankful posts are a great idea! I agree with you that deliberately thinking about what I am thankful for makes me have such a better outlook on my life! I do this on about a weekly basis on my blog, and it has made such a difference in my attitude.:)

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