Oct 22, 2014

Make Your Home a Haven From the World - Day 15


I love the powerful influence for good that music can have in the home.  

On school days, as we're all hustling and bustling around the house to get to school/work on time, I like to play a classical music/Mormon Tabernacle Choir kind of blend on Pandora.  It calms a bit of the bustling going on, and my momma/wife heart hopes that it will send my loved ones out into the world filled with the spirit and ready to conquer all the adversary throws at them each day.  

On Saturday mornings, as we're crossing off each and every chore that must get done, we play some Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez stations on Pandora to keep us in an upbeat cleaning mood.  It makes you want to dance with a broom or scrub a little faster.

As I tidy up the house during the week, I like to play some Ella Fitzgerald or Bing Crosby on Pandora.  It's fun, classy, calming...  it makes me feel like I've stepped back in time.  It's my happy housewife music.  :)

Good music can do so much to bring us together as a family, help motivate us for good, and bring the spirit of the Lord into our hearts.  Man, I'm grateful for the role that music plays in my home. 

*This is a 31 days series:  Make Your Home a Haven From the World.  I will be writing on this topic every day for the month of October.  Click on the link on the sidebar to read the previous day(s) posts.


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