"When Upon life's billows you are tempest tossed,
When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,
Count your many blessings;
name them one by one,
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
... So amid the conflict, whether great or small
Do not be discouraged;
God is over all.
Count your many blessings;
angles will attend..."
~ {Hymn: Count Your Many Blessings, by Johnson Oatman Jr.}
This song pretty much sums up how I've felt this past week, especially because of some events that have come to pass in the state that I live in. Times are changing, morals are fading, but life goes on and there is still so much good in my life and that is what I need to focus on.

It's so fitting that this is a month that we especially look for those things we are thankful for.
So, in no particular order, these are the happy blessings in my life that I am so very thankful for:
*Christmas Songs in November
*Hot Chocolate
*My Family (three healthy, beautiful children and a very supportive husband)
*A cozy home
*Clearance racks at Target
*Fall colors & changing seasons
*Chocolate Chip cookies, fresh from the oven
*Fall Scented Candles
*Great Friends
*A healthy body
*Extended Family Members
*My Husband's Job
*Food in my pantry
*Thrift Stores
*The Internet
*A Closet Full of Clothes
*Household Appliances (Dishwasher, Washers, Dryers, etc.)
*A Safe Neighborhood to Live In
*My Savior
*Date Nights with My Husband
*The Opportunity to be a Stay at Home Mom
*Classic Chick Flicks
*Modern Medicine
*Cameras to Capture Favorite Memories
*Our Family Dog, Paco
I wish each one of you a month full of blessings!
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is only two weeks away?
This month is moving so crazy fast!
Lovely post. I'd have alot of the same items on my list if I were to put one together.
This is a great post. Needed it, especially because of certain events that have recently happened. I do have a lot to be thankful for and will try to make the best of the next handful of years.
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